What information is needed when choosing an ultrasonic cleaner?
Let us know the dimensions and material of the object to be cleaned, the nature of the contamination to be removed and the desired process chemical.
Does the new Quava ultrasonic generator directly replace my existing Kaijo generator?
The Quava generator has four output modes. The PLL mode sends the same waveform as previous Kaijo generators.
What is the maximum usable distance between the ultrasonic shower nozzle and the target?
The ultrasonic shower system cleans best when the nozzle and target are 5 to 15mm apart.
Is field calibration needed when replacing a generator or transducer array?
No field calibration is needed. The Quava generator has a removable matchbox drawer that holds all calibration and frequency data. The Phenix lines require no calibration.
What if my Kaijo part needs service?
Whether the part is a new Quava, a 78101, a 68101 or other, Contact us for an Return Materials Authorization number (RMA#) to ship to Kaijo Shibuya America.
If you have any questions not addressed here please call our office number below.
2045 Martin Avenue, Suite 204,
Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States of America
Tel +1-408-675-5575, Fax +1-408-675-5610