Ultrasonic Systems for Precise Cleaning Applications
2045 Martin Avenue, Suite 204 Santa Clara, CA 95050

When Should De-Ionized Water Be Used in an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

November 17, 2022

While ultrasonic cleaning systems can work with plain water, de-ionized water can improve cleaning performance in some situations. In some cases, the use of de-ionized water replaces the use of mild detergents or solvents to speed up cleaning. Whether de-ionized water will deliver substantial cleaning improvement also depends on the contamination. Hard-surfaced parts with light […]

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Considerations When Using Ultrasonics to Clean Plastics

November 7, 2022

Whether using ultrasonics is the best choice for cleaning plastic parts depends on the type of plastic and the nature of the contamination. Hard, dense plastics are easy to clean with ultrasonic cleaners, but choosing the right frequency and configuration is still important. Parts made from soft or light plastics need special measures for ultrasonic […]

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How Ultrasonic Cleaners Improve Business Profitability

October 18, 2022

While ultrasonic cleaners represent a significant investment, they can save money and improve the overall performance operations of the business. The cleaning performance of ultrasonic cleaners is often superior to that of traditional cleaning methods. Depending on the business processes involved, ultrasonic cleaners may increase workplace safety and reduce costs. Compliance with environmental regulations is […]

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How to Safely Clean Aluminum Parts with Ultrasonics

October 6, 2022

While low ultrasonic frequencies are commonly used to clean metal surfaces, they can’t be used with aluminum parts. Aluminum is a relatively soft metal, and using low ultrasonic frequencies can result in surface pitting and damage to aluminum parts. Although using higher frequencies may mean the cleaning process is slower, additional measures can help speed […]

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Why Facility Maintenance Departments Use Ultrasonics to Maintain Equipment

September 22, 2022

One thing industrial and commercial operations such as manufacturing, warehouse, research, and service facilities have in common is that they need to maintain equipment. Depending on the manufacturing process, there can be machines for casting, cutting, and stamping that need to be cleaned. Contaminants have to be removed from process tanks and storage containers. Valves […]

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What Electronics Can You Clean in an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

September 12, 2022

You can clean most types of electronics with an ultrasonic cleaner, but there are a few restrictions. Electronics that can be cleaned in an ultrasonic bath include circuit boards, electronic instruments, many electronic devices, and electronic components. Some need cleaning during the manufacturing process. Others must be cleaned because they gather dust and dirt that […]

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Kaijo Exhibiting at IMTS in the parts2clean Pavilion on Sep 12-17, 2022

August 23, 2022

The International Manufacturing Trade Show (IMTS) is on September 12-17, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois. IMTS is where the creators, the builders, the sellers, and the drivers ofmanufacturing technology come to connect and be inspired. Industry professionals visit IMTS to discover the latest innovations in digital traditional manufacturing and machining technologies to learn about processes that […]

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Why Kaijo’s WRS is Needed in Some Ultrasonic Cleaning Applications

August 18, 2022

When ultrasonic cleaning is difficult due to stubborn contaminants or because the parts to be cleaned are made up of several different materials, an even distribution of cavitation bubbles can help. Optimized bubble formation and distribution can substantially increase cleaning intensity without creating more energetic bubbles that might damage part surfaces. Kaijo has developed the […]

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Tips to Determine Which Parts to Clean with an Ultrasonic Cleaner

August 4, 2022

When traditional cleaning methods such as soaking in chemicals, hand scrubbing and manual scraping don’t deliver the desired results, ultrasonic technology offers an alternative. The key question becomes, which parts are best cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner. The cleaner has to be selected with the right characteristics, but beyond that, ultrasonic cleaning is more effective […]

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Advanced Ultrasonic Cleaning Through Waveform Optimization

July 19, 2022

While choosing the correct frequency for an ultrasonic cleaning application remains important, some parts can be difficult to clean well. Parts may be made of different materials, have complex shapes, or the contaminants may adhere strongly to the part surfaces. Some parts have large, heavy masses with thin, fragile arms while others have microscopic structures […]

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